Summer Smiles: What are your options for cosmetic services?

At 5000 Yonge Dental, we know the impact of a healthy smile. Our dentists are dedicated to making sure your smile is bright and healthy.
Start your summer off right by staying on top of your oral health.

options for cosmetic services

Learn some important oral health tips for summer by clicking here or continue reading to determine which of our services you may benefit from this season.

Love your smile this summer!

Listed below are some of the services we offer to make sure your smile is one you want to show off this summer! At 5000 Yonge Dental, our dedicated team of professionals will do whatever it takes to improve the aesthetic appeal of your smile!

Teeth Whitening

If you are considering teeth whitening services, there are two types available to choose from.

o   In-office teeth whitening: This is done with the use of a strong whitening solution and a bright light. This method will produce immediate results so that you can leave the office with a new, bright smile within a short period of time.

o   Customized take-home whitening kits: This is a more gradual treatment. The whitening solution is not as potent as the solution our professionals use in-office. However, this option may be more suitable for you if you are looking for a more feasible alternative.

With our teeth whitening services, we can help you remove any discolourations on your teeth and brighten your smile in a safe, convenient way!

Full Mouth Restoration

Do you have severely worn down, missing, or badly damaged teeth? If so, a full mouth restoration may correct this for you. A full mouth restoration treatment will combine cosmetic dental procedures to enhance your smile. Contact our office if you think you may be a candidate for a full mouth restoration. Our dentists will discuss your smile goals with you and develop a plan for your makeover.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin pieces of tooth-shaped porcelain. If you have severely discoloured or stained teeth, teeth that are too small or large, or teeth that are worn or chipped, porcelain veneers may be the answer for you. Our dentists customize the veneers to match your natural teeth in both shape and colour before they are bonded to the front of your teeth.

o   Depending on the condition of your teeth, veneers may be a better option for you other than whitening or other cosmetic treatments. Book an appointment today so we can help you determine the most cost-effective treatment!

If you are looking to brighten your smile for the summer months, contact our North York team to book an appointment or consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

Your North York Dentist

With years of experience treating the North York community, we strive to a provide positive dental experience for all patients.

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